Amphibious Vehicles For Sale

If you are looking for new or used amphibious vehicles for sale, we list company profiles of specialist manufacturers from around the world, who can supply you with a wide variety of amphibious vehicles, for both private and commercial use.

Amphibious Vehicle Manufacturers

The following manufacturers of amphibious vehicles are currently listed ...

Cool Amphibious Manufacturers International (C.A.M.I)
714 Okeetee Road, Ridgeland, South Carolina, 29936
C.A.M.I Was founded in 1999 by John and Julie Giljam, they produce a variety of amphibious vehicles such as the Hydra Terra, which is mainly used for tourism or search & rescue operations and the Terra Wind RV, a custom build luxury motorhome/yacht, which has to be seen to be believed! They also produce the head turning Hydra Spyder, a high speed planing car.

Contact C.A.M.I
Telephone: 843 717 2444

17481 Newhope St, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708-4277
Builder of a very fast amphibious car, the Python, which planes on top of the water at speeds in excess of 60mph. They also produce lower speed, conventional amphibious vehicles that float in the water, rather than plane on the surface.

Contact WaterCar
Telephone: Not listed at present

Manufacturer Advertising

If you are a specialist manufacturer of amphibious vehicles and would like to profile your company on this website, please see our advertising page for further details.